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Showing posts from March, 2013

The Blessing of Inconvenience

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the commandments and why we focus on them so much. Some may argue that every second spent talking about family history or tithing or (heaven forbid) food storage is one less second we spend talking about Christ and His Atonement. Thus, they continue, we should rarely talk about commandments. And for that matter, why worry about them at all? Can't we just accept Christ and be a nice person, and that's enough? As I've thought about why we focus so much on commandments, I've come up with various reasons as to why they're important. "In this there is safety and peace." If you keep the commandments, you are protected in a myriad of ways. Your life will be free of so much filth, addiction, and heartache. They change us to become more Christlike. As we try to keep them, we must be continually repenting and striving to be better, relying on the merits of Christ. This process humbles us and transforms us to become mor