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Showing posts from October, 2022

Living Water

 I once read of someone who believed something but after a lot of prayer and scripture study and temple attendance concluded he was wrong. For me, I began where he ended but after a lot of prayer and scripture study and temple attendance concluded that my original belief (where he ended) was wrong. I'm not here to say whether he's right or I'm right (and we are both allowed to change our minds). But it does make me think that God does care about us knowing truth but He also wants us to have a journey to find it. He wants us to challenge our assumptions and soften our hearts. He wants us to approach Him with curiosity. And of course, some things should be rocks. And I would rather stand on a rock that doesn't move. But if I have to drink unfamiliar water, I'd rather drink water from a moving source than a stagnant source. And I hope that someday we'll all be able to drink the best moving, living Water -- springing forth from an unchanging Rock.