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Showing posts from December, 2021

The Newborn God

 I've been slowly making my way through Psalms through the last year. It's not a long book, but it was still hard for me to read very much of at a time. All that praise! All that rejoicing! Or, in different chapters, all that angst about enemies! But mostly, all that praise! It's not, of course, that I don't believe we should praise God. But sometimes it seemed like a little too much at once, I have to admit. At times I imagined a conversation with someone who didn't believe in God, imagined trying to convince them why they should worship God. "It's in our human nature to worship something. After all, we worship sports and politics. May as well worship God." "So clearly I already have the worship fix I need from those," the imaginary friend would respond. "But God has done so many wonderful things for you!" "Like what? I don't believe in sin, don't believe God does anything to change the weather, and don't believe G

Snow pants

Child starts to put on snow pants. Child gets frustrated and no longer wants to play outside. Child gets a snack. Child does not want milk that was offered. Milk is put back in the fridge. Child has a bite of snack.  Child now wants milk. Milk is brought back out of the fridge. Child finishes snack.  Child wants to play outside after all. Child puts snow pants on successfully. My children instinctively understand chiasmus.