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Showing posts from February, 2017

Little thoughts from Little House

For all you history buffs out there, today marks 160 years since Almanzo Wilder was born. Since we just finished reading Farmer Boy  we thought this was another day worth commemorating. We never got around to drawing horses to celebrate, but we can do that tomorrow. As I've mentioned before, it's certainly been enlightening reading the Little House books this winter. We just started On the Banks of Plum Creek  and right there in chapter 1 they find out they have to live in a dugout. They live in the dirt! Poor Caroline! In thinking about it, though, I think we have life way harder nowadays. Here are some examples: They never ran out of their favorite crackers. They never had to flip the circuit breaker when it tripped thanks to running two appliances at the same time. They never went 3 days with a broken water heater during a snowstorm. They never had electric baseboard heaters in a state where you pay roughly 22 cents per kWh for electricity. They never felt guil