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Showing posts from March, 2021


 I've been reading Psalms lately and it's been interesting seeing how many verses are devoted to enemies and fear. Honestly, the author seems kind of paranoid! (I mean, David did have King Saul out to get him, but still.) It made me think of the many different fears almost everyone has had this past year. Some things I read would make me think, "Why on earth are you scared about that???" Then there are things that I worried about and wondered, "Why are other people being so dismissive of this?" Some of them came to pass, but most didn't. Meanwhile, some people's fears that I dismissed have come to pass. Turns out it's hard to predict the future. (I have been wrong plenty of times this year.) Anyway, what I have realized with all of these fears is that we sometimes get into arguments about which fear is more plausible when really all we need sometimes is a good dose of validation. Ideally, when you validate someone's fear they'll be able t