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Showing posts from June, 2017

Locks and Chips

So far, it had been a pretty good Saturday. I no longer had any signs of the stomach bug that had kept me up all Thursday night throwing up and rendered me mostly useless Friday while Kevin was in New York. Jim seemed to be mostly over his cold. We were able to find everything we wanted at Aldi for the first time in a few weeks, finished the laundry in a timely manner, and got some good naps in for most of us. Now it was about 3 o' clock, and we had the rest of the day planned: go to a nearby splash pad for a little while, take baths, eat dinner, and then go on a tour to see and play the Yale carillon. We all piled into the car and headed to the closest splash pad. The parking lot was full, and there were tons of people on the field and the playground, but the splash pad was off. "That's weird," we thought. The sign had said it was open beginning Memorial Day, and this hot, sunny day seemed like a really good day to have it on, but no luck. Oh well. We knew of oth