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Showing posts from February, 2020

A Field of Onions

President Eyring once wrote, "To appreciate this story, you have to realize that it occurred when my father was nearly eighty and had bone cancer. He had bone cancer so badly in his hips that he could hardly move. The pain was great. "Dad was the senior high councilor in his stake with the responsibility for the welfare farm. An assignment was given to weed a field of onions, so Dad assigned himself to go work on the farm. Dad never told me how hard it was, but I have met several people who were with him that day. I talked to one of them on the phone the other night to check the story. The one I talked to said that he was weeding in the row next to Dad through much of the day. He told me the same thing that others who were there that day have told me. He said that the pain was so great that Dad was pulling himself along on his stomach with his elbows. He couldn’t kneel. The pain was too great for him to kneel. Everyone who has talked to me has remarked how Dad smiled, and lau