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Showing posts from December, 2013

Careers I never considered

Based on my last post , it probably sounds like I wanted to do everything when I grew up. I didn't. There were some careers that I always knew were out of my reach. Either that, or I figured it out in time. 1. Athlete. You guys, I have never been on an organized sports team. Never! Not even a little soccer team in kindergarten. Soccer was a boy game, and boys were gross, so I refused. Never even did cross country in high school. I enjoyed running and aerobics well enough, but I have no hand-eye coordination. (The strongest memory I have of PE in junior high is learning how to hit a birdie with a badminton racket. It took several class periods for me to figure it out, and my friend Meagan was by my side basically the whole time coaching me.) This one has never ever ever been on the radar. 2. Hairdresser. If my hair ever looks good it is an accident. It is surprisingly thick, so I had a lot of trouble finding the time to put it up or curl it. Thus, I never bothered to really learn ho

Career woman

This post is dedicated to Kaylie, who told me I should publish it even though it's long, and who wanted to be a mailmom when she grew up. Also dedicated to all the people who share a dozen or so things about themselves on Facebook the past few weeks. Here's my response. As a kid, I don't think I ever really knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, but there were plenty of things that I wanted to be right then. This led to many short but illustrious careers. Here are the ones that I remember: -I think the first thing I wanted to be was a mom. I can't remember for sure, but it makes sense. I mean, that's who I hung out with all the time. I liked the idea of a job where you drove to the bank and got Smarties for free. In practicing being a mom, I gave birth to lots of dolls that were hiding under my shirt. -The next job I considered was an engineer. I didn't quite know what it was, but I knew there were two kinds -- the kind that drove trains and the kind that my d