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Showing posts from October, 2020

A temporary step away

I quit Facebook on Thursday. I mean, of course I'll be back, but I had to quit. It had been a week since I could conjure up a good news limerick. I didn't have any clever thoughts or cute quips to share. And even after listening to April's Conference and reading scriptures regularly, I didn't have any spiritual insights to share. So I had started drifting toward politics. As uncomfortable as political discussions can be, I really feel like we need to have them. We need to have them with people we disagree with. We need to learn how to let ideas to compete with each other. But it's not as easy as it sounds! For example, I am pretty non-confrontational online, so when someone disagrees with me I start to panic. My usual form of dialogue is to try to validate what the other person says and then persuade them that I'm right anyway. To quote the Lego Batman movie, I try to use  and But not everyone uses that style of debate. Sometimes people go into a debate not want