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Showing posts from March, 2016

Church Music Festival

As I briefly mentioned before, while I was in Utah, I had the opportunity to attend the Church Music Festival on Temple Square. So, if you recall, way back in November 2014, my ward choir performed  a hymn I wrote . I decided to submit a  simpler version  of it to the church music contest last March. (Why simpler? 1. I had written the  choral part  and the  organ part  separately, and at the time it seemed hard to combine them without making a song that was a unwieldy 15 pages long, 2. I had spent so long tweaking the first line that I was burned out from looking at it anymore, and 3. I wanted it to be short and compact enough to maybe end up in the Ensign someday. A girl can dream.) I submitted it, and on the 4th of July, I found out it had gotten Special Recognition! In November, I received an invitation to hear it performed in the February Church Music Festival. Since we didn't go home for Christmas and it aligned pretty well with Kevin's spring break, we decided to plan