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Showing posts from April, 2016

Sunbeam Waltz

Sometimes people ask how long it takes me to make a mashup for my YouTube channel . I've had a little trouble answering because there are a few steps. I have to come up with the idea of combining two or three songs with the same theme, throw them together, tweak them, practice them, and then find the time to record them. But I think I have a minimum answer now of start to finish: one week. Last week I was thinking about how it would be nice to do a mashup with a nice calm Chopin piece. But then I thought, what if I did it with an upbeat Chopin song instead? So I started playing the Minute Waltz and realized Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam could possibly work with that. But what if there was one that worked better? I opened up my big Chopin book and right on the first page was his Grand Valse Brilliante, better known as the Flamingo song at our house thanks to Sesame Street. And bam! They worked together so well! And Jim and John let me practice! So within a few minutes I had

Nursing Mom Observes Monthly Fast

A Mormon mother in Ann Arbor, Michigan has found a suitable method of fasting -- abstaining from nutrition but not calories. "There's no question about it -- when I'm nursing, I need all the calories I can get," she said as she fed her 9 month old son, pulling a candy wrapper off with her non-dominant hand and teeth. "But I still wanted to make sure I observed the fast somehow!" Traditionally, Mormons abstain from food for 24 consecutive hours the first Sunday of every month and donate the money they would have spent on food to the poor and needy. Those who are medically unable to do not have to fast, but they are encouraged nonetheless to participate however they can. "If I were to participate in a traditional fast, I would abstain from calories, Vitamin C, calcium, and riboflavin, among other vitamins and minerals" she continued as she put two attached Twizzlers in her mouth. "Since I'm nursing, I can't abstain from calories, b